Welcome to my blog!

    Category: Tech

  1. [Tech] My recent journey with 2FA

    Vigdis in
  2. [Tech] Hackathon report - b2k16

    Vigdis in
  3. [Tech] How to update an OpenBSD port

    Vigdis in
  4. [Tech] Hackathon report - p2k16

    Vigdis in
  5. [Tech] Stop losing interesting links

    Vigdis in
  6. [Tech] Le refactoring

    Vigdis in
  7. [Tech] Sortie de Let's Encrypt

    Vigdis in
  8. [Tech] Passage du blog en https-only

    Vigdis in
  9. [Tech] Migration du blog

    Vigdis in
  10. [Tech] Bring SNI to OpenBSD's httpd

    Vigdis in

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